Hundred Syllables of Vajrasattva

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Hundred Syllables of Vajrasattva (rdo sems yig brgya). The phonetics pronounced by the Tibetan tradition differs slightly from the Sanskrit spelling of the mantra:

om vajra sattva samaya. manu palaya. vajra sattva tvenopa. tishtha dridho mebhava. sutoshyo mebhava. suposhyo mebhava. anu rakto mebhava. sarva siddhim me prayaccha. sarva karma suchame. chittam shriyah kuru hung. ha ha ha ha hoh. bhagavan sarva tathagata vajra mame muncha vajri bhava maha samaya sattva ah.

Meaning: "O great being whose holy mind is in the indestructible nature of all the Buddhas, having destroyed every obscuration, attained all realizations and passed beyond all suffering, the one gone to the realization of things just as they are, do not forsake me. Please make me closer to your vajra holy mind, and grant me the ability to realize the ultimate nature of phenomena. Please help me to realize great bliss. Lead me to your state, and grant me all powerful attainments. Please bestow upon me all virtuous actions and glorious qualities".