bka' shog rim skyel

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Three Traditions of Bodhisattva Vow: the tradition of Manjushri via Nagarjuna and Chandrakirti, the tradition of Maitreya via Asanga and Vasubandhu, and the tradition of Manjushri via Nagarjuna and, or Shantideva [RY]

three traditions of bodhisattva vow [according to the gsan yig of gter bdag gling pa pp 15-16, the tradition of Ma�jushr via N g rjuna and Chandrak rti; the tradition of Maitreya via Asanga and Vasubandhu; and the tradition of Ma�jushr via N g rjuna and Sh ntideva. gathered together by Longchenpa] [IW]

three traditions of bodhisattva vow [IW]