dge 'dun 'khor lo'i dbyen

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division in the sangha cause schism in the sa gha, dividing the monastic community [dge 'dun mutually dividing mtsams med kyi ngo bor gyur pa'i dispute and quarrel producing, dus ni ston pa zhal bzhugs and bstan pa la skyon ma byung ba &, mchog zung gcig bskos pa'i dus dang mtsams gcig tu byas pa'i nang du, gang zag grub mtha' shes pa'i gang zag gis yul so so skye bo'i dge 'dun rnams la, tshul ston pa sangs rgyas las gzhan lhas byin lta bu la ston pa &, bslab pa sangs rgyas kyis gsungs pa las gzhan lhas byin gyi bslab tsig lnga khas len pa'i tshul gyis produce schism.] [IW]

division in the sangha, cause schism in the sa gha, dividing the monastic community [IW]

schism in the sangha [RY]