khyod ra

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I) size, measurement; 1) area, all, all over. 2) all told, in all, extent. 3) size, surface. 4) extension, width, area, size, total, height, circumference. II) 1) all, all over 'dzam gling khyon la, all over the world. 2) all told, in all. zla 1 nas zla 2 bar khyon nyi ma sum cu so gnyis, from January to February, all told, 32 days [RY]

measure of dimensions, area, extent, size, width, circumference, height, all over, all, all told [JV]

1) measure of extent/ great and small; 2) all; 3) special, distinctive (/, all over, all told, in all, area, extent, size, surface, extension, width, total, height, circumference [IW]