dga' bde

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lineal successor tsong kha pa, head abbot of Ganden monastery [JV]

occupier of the Ganden throne [RY]

lineal successor of Tshongkhapa to throne at Ganden [IW]

lineal successor of Tsongkhapa to throne at Ganden [chief of non-tulku lamas, 3rd in Geluk hierarchy. rje tzong kha pa'i chos kyi rgyal tsab, among the monks of sera Drepung and Ganden lha ldan smon lam chen mo'i skabs dge bshes kyi go ming thob rjes rgyud grva stod smad gang rung zhig la zhugs nas de'i discipline monk and umdze, khenpo, mkhan zur successively becoming, then dga' ldan shar rtze' or byang rtze gang rung gi chos rje byas mtsams, when the earlier dga' ldan khri pa ides gets that rank]. [IW]