dge 'bras rnams

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four doctrines of a spiritual ascetic [IW]

four doctrines of a spiritual ascetic [not to hate others despite being the object of their hatred, not to retaliate in anger even when angry, not to injure others even when injured, and not to beat others even when 1 is beaten by them- the four principles of virtuous training, four dharmas of those skilled in virtue ; 1) gshe yang slar mi gshe bar bya = although abused, 1 does not return abuse 2) khros kyang slar mi khro bar bya = although made angry, 1 does not respond with anger 3) 'tshang brus kyang slar mtshang 'bru bar bya = although censured, 1 does not respond with criticism 4) brdeg kyang slar mi brdeg par bya = although struck, 1 never strike back chn] [IW]

see dge sbyong gi chos bzhi [RY]