glan te 'jog pa
1) island, land, place. 2) sanctuary. 3) continent. 4) monastery, temple complex. 5) mansion. 6) part. 7) a district in Tibet; continent [RY]
the region of [RY]
1) dry place great or small surrounded by water; 2) piece, fragment; 3) large monestery; 4) 7 (met) [from the 7 gling around mt meru [zla ba, 'od dkar ku sha, mi'am ci, khrung khrung, drag po'i gling, 'dzam gling chen po] is[land], place, sanctuary, continent, monastery, temple complex, mansion, part, a district in Tibet [IW]
section of a large monastery [RY]
sacred grass, island, isolated place, limb, part of the globe, division of lands, continent, large monastery, mansion, flute [JV]
continent [RB]
Ling, in Kham [RY]
1) dry place great or small surrounded by water; 2) piece, fragment; 3) large monastery; 4) 7 * [is]land, place, sanctuary, continent, monastery, temple complex, mansion, part, a district in Tibet [IW]