skye gnas kyi bar do
4 states or ways of being born [JV]
the four manners of birth [IW]
Mipham: 'gro ba rnams gang du skye ba'i skye gnas ni rnam pa bzhi ste, brdzus skyes dang, drod gsher skyes dang, mngal skyes dang, sgong skyes bzhi gang rung du thog mar skye ba len te, bzhi po de gong ma gong ma bzang ngothere are four alternative modes through which living beings initially take rebirth: instantaneously-born, heat-and-moisture-born, womb-born, and egg-born. Of these four, the first is superior [to the second] and so forth [RY]
four modes of rebirth [RB]
four modes of birth [IW]
the four manners of birth [mngal skyes dang, sgong skyes, rdzus skyes, drod gsher las skyes pa ste, mi dang phyugs sogs mngal skyes dang, mtho ris lha rnams brdzus te skyes, bya dang sbrul sogs sgo nga las skyes, 'bu sbrang la sogs drod gsher las skyes pa'o] [IW]
four modes of rebirth; [the four] ways of taking birth, the four types of birth. see skye gnas rnam pa bzhi. four modes of birth [RY]