rgyu'i reg bya
grasp/ clue/ inkling [RB]
1) knowledge, familiarity, knows. 2) knowing of customs, customs. 3) imp. of rgyu 3) rgyu + instr. 4) past tense of rgyu ba 5) because. 6) de yi rgyus on account of. 7) notice, intelligence, knowledge; imp. of rgyud pa; grasp, clue, inkling [RY]
1) rgyud pa! rgyu!; 2) knowledge, familiarity [R] (3)[knowing of] customs; 4) by cause, by material, by motion rgyu + instr]; 5) [p rgyu ba; 5) because/ on account of (7) notice, intelligence, knowledge) [IW]
customs, by reason of, on account of, in virtue of, in consequence of, by the cause of [JV]
1) rgyud pa! rgyu!; 2) knowledge, familiarity * (3[knowing of] customs; 4) by cause, by material, by motion rgyu + instr]; 5) [p rgyu ba; 5) because/ on account of; 7) notice, intelligence, knowledge [IW]