ngo sprod
pointing-out, introduction, transmission, indication, example, illustration. 2) to point out, transmit, bring face to face with, introduce, acquaint. 3) the pointing-out instruction [RY]
introduction, to introduce, to encounter transmission, pointing out, identity, introduction, introduction to people or topics, pointing-out instruction, to discover, pointing-out instruction [JV]
to point out [RY]
pointing-out instruction. The direct introduction to the nature of mind. A root guru is the master who gives the 'pointing-out instruction' so that the disciple recognizes the nature of mind [RY]
instruction pointing at the nature of mind [RY]
brda sprod pa'am, phan tshun ngo shes par byed pa, introduction [personal/to the face of reality] GD point[ing] out, acquaint[ance], appraisal indication, 'bringing face to face with, introduce, appraise, transmi[t][ssion] [IW]
Pointing-out instruction on the nature of mind [RY]