dngos kyi ma nges
accomplishment. (dngos grub), Skt. siddhi. The attainment resulting from Dharma practice usually referring to the 'supreme accomplishment' of complete enlightenment. It can also mean the 'common accomplishments,' eight mundane accomplishments such as clairvoyance, clairaudiance, flying in the sky, becoming invisible, everlasting youth, or powers of transmutation. The most eminent attainments on the path are, however, renunciation, compassion, unshakable faith and realization of the correct view. See also 'supreme and common accomplishments.' [RY]
Accomplishment - (1) dngos grub, Skt. siddhi. The fruit wished for and obtained through the practice of the instructions. Common accomplishments can be simply supernatural powers, but in this book the term accomplishment almost always refers to the supreme accomplishment, which is enlightenment. (2) sgrub pa. In the context of the recitation of mantras. [MR]
magical powers; x bu'i dngos grub 'tshol ba - seeking the magical powers for getting a son [RY]
siddhi, realization, attainments, rewards of one's labor, wealth, juice, enriching, opulent, accomplishment sought for, perfection, excellence, anything superior, honor, riches, talents, wisdom, spiritual power, 8 ordinary acquisitions (ral gri'i dngos grub, ril bu, mig sman, rkang mgyogs, bcud len, mkha' spyod, mi snang ba, sa 'og), SA mchog gi dngos, thun mong dngos grub, feat [JV]
dngos su grub pa spiritual attainment/ siddhi [RB]
1) accomplishment, attainment, siddhi, achievement; mchog thun dngos grub the supreme and ordinary siddhis. 2) wealth, enriching, opulent, 3) mastery, powerful. 4) a divine gift, boon, something beneficial, advantage, benefit, gain, favor, profit, blessing [RY]
1) among the sbyor ba nyer bdun; 2) (Siddhi: accomplish good fruition from the oral instructions [IW]
absolute knowledge of the truth, accomplishment, attainment, siddhi, accomplishing what is, wealth, enriching, opulent, mastery, power [IW]