thags phyogs

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plain, flatlands; plain, steppe, soup, flat area, prairie, broth, flatlands [RY]

plain, flatlands, dry earth, decoction, ground, soup, moment, instant, very short time, steppe, price, value, clear, serene, potion, mixture to be drunk, division of time (60 se gol gtogs pa) [JV]

1) plain, steppe, flat area, prairie, flat lands; 2) (CH broth, soup; 3) price; 4) time[s]; 5) Tshad gzhi [mnga' thang.Dbang thang.Thob thang ]; 6) light; 6) Kham khum min pa Gnyer ma kham khum rnams thang sha gcod pa; 7) Yin mdog kha po Kho'i gtam 'di bden na thang; 8) T'ang Dynasty [IW]

plain [RY]

a plain [RY]