theg chen sems tsam pa

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theg mchog mdzod [IW]

Treasury of the Sublime Vehicle, one of the Longchen Rabjam's Seven Treasuries [RY]

theg mchog mdzod [klong chen mdzod bdun gyi ya gyal zhig ste, gsang chen nges pa'i rgyud bcu bdun rtsa bar bzhag ste man ngag brgya dang bcu dgu'i don 'grel rgya cher bshad pa skabs nyi shu rtsa lnga pa'i bdag nyid can gyi gzhung, dus rabs bcu bzhi par rnying ma'i slob dpon klong chen rab 'byams kyis mdzad pa'o] [IW]

the Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle; one of the mdzod bdun by Longchenpa [RY]

Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle [klong chen mdzod bdun gyi ya gyal zhig ste, gsang chen nges pa'i rgyud bcu bdun rtza bar bzhag ste man ngag brgya dang bcu dgu'i don 'grel rgya cher bshad pa skabs nyi shu rtza lnga pa'i bdag nyid can gyi gzhung, dus rabs bcu bzhi par rnying ma'i slob dpon klong chen rab 'byams kyis mdzad pa'o [IW]

one of the Longchen Rabjam's mdzod bdun [RY]