thod dkar po

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1) w stages skipped/ out of order, bypass [the gradual steps], skip the grades; 2) All-surpassing realization of spontaneous presence [gd]; 3) [instantaneous] passing over, by passing [lit. to for the skull] overpass, instantaneous directness, crossing [over/ above/ in 1 leap/ in leaps and bounds.; 3) evanescent realization; 4) teleportational reconcealment [?]; 5) the three progressions; 6) 1st/ 4th of the four consolidations according to All-surpassing realization; 7) thogal [practice]. [IW]

1) w stages skipped/ out of order [rim pa 'chol ba . Rim pa 'og ma nas gong du thod rgal gyis 'dzegs pa]; 2) lhun grub thod rgal; 3) [instantaneous] passing over, by passing [lit. to for the skull] overpass, instantaneous directness, crossing [over/ above/ in 1 leap/ in leaps and bounds.; 3) evanescent realization; 4) teleportational reconcealment [?] 5) the three progressions sna zin. grabbing the nose, gtan la phebs. becoming [?], [?] rdzog. - completion] (6) All-surpassing realisation [gd] 1st/ 4th of the four consolidations according to All-surpassing realisation, thogal [practice], bypass [gradual steps], skip the grades" [Notes: str--thod - forehead; rgal - transcending; so, "transcending from the level of the forehead or peak] [IW]

Sudden jump, here means to jump to a higher level while skipping the grades or steps in between [RY]

creative light, advanced practice for developing one's vision according to the upadesha series, direct approach, direct crossing, teleportational reconcealment, SA sgron ma bzhi, snang ba bzhi, working with light, esoteric practice of realization, vision of the light, "upward jump", "skull cross (cross the bridge which separates samsara from nirvana during the time when one has a skull)", direct passage, 1 of snyoms par 'jug pa dgu, Thodgal, passing over the summit (the development of vision practice in the Dzogchen Upadesha), surpassing the pinnacle, leapover, transcendence, quantum leap, method of contemplation of light by which rdzogs chen practitioners attain the 'ja' lus without leaving mortal remains at death [JV]

Direct crossing [RY]

1) not keeping to the usual order; 2) lhun grub thod rgal [instantaneous] passing over/ directness [by passing [lit. to for the skull] or to overpass, instantaneous directness, crossing [over/above/ in 1 leap/ in leaps and bounds] 3) evanescent realization. 4) teleportational reconcealment 5) the three progressions sna zin. grabbing the nose, gtan la phebs. becoming, rdzog. - completion] 6) All-surpassing realisation [gdmk]: 1st OR 4th of the four consolidations according to All-surpassing realisation [gdmk] "skip the grades", bypass [gradual steps], thogal, "transcending from the level of the forehead or peak" [IW]

1) bypass, overpass, by passing, passing over, "to skip the grades", "bypass gradual steps", surpassing, crossing, crossing over / above. 2) crossing in one leap, in leaps and bounds. 2) Togal, Direct Crossing, simultaneous passing; Sudden jump; Passing Over; instantaneous directness, lit. "passing over the summit" [RY]

Togal. 'Direct crossing.' Dzogchen has two main sections: Trekcho and Togal. The former emphasizes primordial purity (ka dag) and the latter spontaneous presence (lhun grub). (RY)

surpassing ordinary experience/ the pinnacle point; (making) the final leap (into primordial being)* (RB)