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mantra [glossed as yid skyob pa=manas traya="that which guards the mind"] [RB]

Mantra [RY]

mantra, praise, magical formula, incantation, 3 kinds (rgyu ma nor ba rtsa ba'i sngags, the seed-syllable that is the deity's euphonic essence HUM, bskyed pa rkyen gyi sngags, mantric form that is the condition of the deity's visitation (om vajra sattva hum), bzla ba las kyi sngags, karma-mantra recited repetitively to realize the deity's specific powers (100 syllable mantra) [JV]

mantra. 1) A synonym for Vajrayana. 2) A particular combination of sounds symbolizing and communicating the nature of a deity and which lead to purification and realization, for example om mani padme hung. There are chiefly three types of mantra: guhya mantra, vidya mantra and dharani mantra [RY]

  • SK mantra, liturgy, mantrayana [IW]

1) mantra, incantation. 2) spell, charm, magic spell [RY]

mantra, speech [thd]