dug slog skam thag

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1) conch shell; 2) horn instrument; 3) conch medicine)/ [pungent, cool melting, by its power good for rnag skem pa dang, rnag 'gyings pa 'bigs, rus tsad sel, 'bras 'joms, chu ser dang dmu chu skem, klad pa'i nad dang dug nad] [a tortoise shell] [IW]

shell, conch, white conch, trumpet, ritual objects, 1 of 8 sman bla, conch-shell (used as an offering vessel or horn), conch shell [JV]

conch shell [RB]

1) conch shell; 2) horn instrument; 3) conch med. [IW]

a conch; a tortoise shell, a shell. conch, horn instruments; a trumpet/ a pipe/ a demon; conch-shell/ skull; mollusk [RY]