'bying pa'i rlung

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(pull, take, draw) out, remove, (cause to come, send, sound) forth, let, proceed, emit, release, draw, exhale (direct or indirect), actualize, slow exhalation, SA rlung bsang brgyad [JV]

'byin pa, phyung ba, dbyung ba, phyung trans. v.; actualize, to alleviate, to cause to come forth, to take out, to remove, to draw forth, given, gift [RY]

1) actualize; 2) alleviate; 3) cause to come forth/ draw forth/ take out; 4) remove/ get rid of; 5) give/ gift / [pull out a thorn, get rid of poison/ poverty, spew harsh words, rna ba sun 'byin pa, actualize mind, bring forth from the rows, , draw blood, aleviate pain, make a thief come out] [IW]

1) actualize; 2) alleviate; 3) cause to come forth/ draw forth/ take out; 4) remove/ get rid of; 5) give/ gift [IW]