chad pa
to not have, lack, miss, run out of [RY]
be extinguished [RY]
skal ba chad pa - the good fortune has come to an end [RY]
negativism, nihilism, break, snap, lack, be short of, bundle, open, separate, liberate, give out, promise, bind one's self, punishment, be descended from, eliminated, fail, lack, missing, intercourse, be born of or with, temporal, omit, nothingness [JV]
falling; punishment; intr. pf. of 'chad pa; intr. ft. of 'chad pa; born of, with; advocate of annihilation or nihilism, cessation, discontinuance, discontinuing, interrupted, expired, cut, to punish, to promise, punishment, penalty, absolute negation, nothingness, fine, gcod, gtong, to punish. To be absent [RY]
chad nas 'phro mi 'dod pa - grow weary and feel disinclined to continue [RY]
1) Tha mi dad par [p 'chad pa]; 2) punish[ment] for breaking the law, penalty, fine; 3) nihilist, absolute negation, nothingness; 4) cessation, discontinuance, discontinuing, expired, cut off; 5) interrupted; 6) promise [IW]
Nothingness [RY]