rang rgyud pa

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1) a dogmaticist, svatantrika, 1 using autonomous inferences [svantantra] to refute true existence; 2) Madhyamika who asserts that, conventionally, phenomena are naturally existent; 3) substance-grasping ordinary individual; 5) independently existent individual characteristics [IW]

1) one who relies on autonomous inferences [svantantra] to refute true existence [can be prasangika]; 2) Madhyamika who asserts that, conventionally, phenomena are naturally existent [can be prasangika]; 3) a dogmaticist, svantantrika; 4) substance-grasping ordinary individual; 5) independently existent individual characteristics rang mtshan pa tshul gsum rang ngos nas grub pa'i rtags yang dag la brten nas, bden dngos 'gog par byed pa dbu ma pa'i ya gyal zhig [IW]

1) one who relies on autonomous inferences [svantantra] to refute true existence. 2) a Madhyamika who asserts that, conventionally, phenomena are naturally existent. 3) a dogmaticist, svantantrika. 4) [substance-grasping] as in rnam rtog Syn tha mal pa 5) see dbu ma rang rgyud pa 6) independently existent Syn rang mtshan pa 7) ordinary. (to be inherently endowed with an) autonomous (mind-stream); Svatantrika. Def. by Jamg�n Kongtr�l: [[legs ldan 'byed kyi rjes 'brang tha snyad du chos thams cad skye ba med pa dang stong pa nyid la sogs pa rang lugs su khas blangs nas/ tshul gsum dngos stobs kyis grub pa'i rang rgyud kyi gtan tshigs gtso bor sgrub byed du 'god pa'i phyir rang rgyud pa zhes bya]] [RY]

Autonomist [thd]

Svatantrika. Branch of the Madhyamika, distinguished by use of conventional forms of philosophical reasoning [RY]

independent [ggd] [RY]

svatantrikas, freedom, SA rnal 'byor spyod pa'i dbu ma rang rgyud pa [JV]

1) a dogmaticist, svantantrika, 1 using autonomous inferences [svantantra] to refute true existence; 2) Madhyamika who asserts that, conventionally, phenomena are naturally existent [can be prasangika]; 3) substance-grasping ordinary individual; 5) independently existent individual characteristics [IW]

(to be inherently endowed with an) autonomous (mindstream); seemingly self-justifying; isc. to exist in its own right [RB]

1) 1 who relies on autonomous inferences [svantantra] to refute true existence]; 2) Madhyamika who asserts that, conventionally, phenomena are naturally existent [can be prasangika]; 3) dogmaticist, svantantrika; 4) substance-grasping ordinary individual; 5) independently existent individual characteristics [IW]

svatantrikas, freedom, SA rnal 'byor spyod pa'i dbu ma rang rgyud pa, exist independently [JV]