'brel ba
connection, conjunction, agreement, contact, relation, relationship, related, adhere together, combine, become connected, meet together, alliance, communication, pertain, contact, linked to, combine with [JV]
1) connected; 2) joined; 3) relation; 4) cohere) [IW]
1) connected; 2) joined; 3) relation[ship], connection, link, tie; 4) cohere [IW]
relation [ggd] [RY]
relationship [thd]
relationsip. [RY]
to pertain to/ be connected/ joined/ related; connection/ connectedness [RB]
'brel ba, 'brel ba, 'brel ba intr. v.; connected with, joined, relationship, to become connected, logical connection, to hang together, cohere. related; link; to be connected/ joined; connection/ connectedness [RY]
connection, conjunction, agreement, contact, relation, relationship, related, adhere together, combine, become connected, meet together, alliance, communication, pertain, contact, linked to, combine with, consisting of [JV]