'phar ba
quivering, leaping, to rebound, to splash up, to fly up, to leap, to bound, to throb; throbbing, fluttering; 'phar ba, 'phar ba, 'phar ba intr. v [RY]
to bounce [RY]
increase, add, enlarge, jackal?, cuon alpinus pallas, hilldog, wild dog, cuon primoevus, leap up, fly up, bound, throb, be raised, elevated, promoted, advanced, flutter, move to and fro, quivering, bounce, pulsate, rise, throb, to make headway [JV]
/ (Tha mi dad pa; 1) fly/ splash/ jump/ climb up [including mood]; 2) increase [higher]; 1) kind of wild dog; 2) iron female ox year; 3) 1 of the 20 kinds of sangha; 4) rising beings; 5) quiver, throb; 6) rebound [IW]
/ (Tha mi dad pa) ; 1) fly/ splash/ jump/ climb up [including mood]; 2) increase [higher] ; 1) kind of wild dog; 2) iron female ox year; 3) 1 of the 20 kinds of sangha; 4) rising beings [ultimate bengs of Akanishta having been born in the Bhram realms having rejected all the places between in the support of Akanishta have the 'dar rung ba'i family]; 5) quiver, throb (6) rebound [IW]
chu'i gting nas nya zhig 'phar ba a fish leapt high from the water [RY]
wolf, jackal [RY]