byang chub gsum
Three levels of enlightenment. The attainment of the nirvana of an arhat, pratyekabuddha, and of a fully perfected buddha [RY]
three degrees of enlightenement [pious attendants, self-centred buddhas and bodhisattvas, nyan thos kyi byang chub, rang rgyal gyi byang chub, byang sems kyi byang chub [IW]
three degrees of enlightenment [IW]
three enlightenments (of nyan thos, rang sang rgyas, byang chub sems dpa') [JV]
three degrees of enlightenment. of the pious attendants, self-centered buddhas and bodhisattvas. three types of enlightenment. nyan thos kyi byang chub, rang rgyal gyi byang chub, byang sems kyi byang chub [RY]
The Three Degrees of Enlightenment. The fruition of the three vehicles (theg pa gsum) of śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas and bodhisattvas. Synonymous with byang chub gsum po. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]