gtan tshigs lnga
five syllogisms / logical axioms according to madhyamaka [IW]
five syllogisms of Madhyamaka. Five Logical Axioms According to Madhyamaka. The vajra fragments rdo rje zegs ma the production and cessation of existence and non-existence yod med skye 'gog the production and cessation of the four limits mu bzhi skye 'gog the supreme relativity rten 'brel chen po and the singular and the multiple gcig dang du bral [RY]
five syllogisms / logical axioms according to madhyamaka [the vajra fragments rdo rje zegs ma. the production and cessation of existence and non-existence yod med skye 'gog. the production and cessation of the four limits mu bzhi skye 'gog. the supreme relativity rten 'brel chen po. and the singular and the multiple gcig dang du bral. Refer to longcenpa, treasury of spiritual and philosophical systems, p. 118ff] [IW]