ka dag khregs chod

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cutting through/, trekchö of primordial purity, cutting through resistance to primordial purity [pith of practice of dzogchen mantra, instruction in le lo can effortless liberation; gzhi gnas self exising wisdom grol lugs chen po bzhi'i ngang du gnas pa nyid ngo rang thog tu 'phrod, thag chig thog tu chod, gding grol thog tu bca' ba bcas kyis dharmata, guarding the alpha pure unfabricated natural state la primordial sor bzhag gi ngang [IW]

1) The Thorough Cut to primordial purity. Cutting Through of primordial purity. 2) cutting through resistance to primordial purity [RY]

Tregchod of primordial purity [JV]