khyab byed

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pervade[r] [general term covering many instances, eg, vase, is khyab byed of its kinds like gold and clay vase &, rtag pa of ma byas, mi rtag of byas pa] [IW]

pervader, pervading [thd]

the encompasser, pervasive wind (corresponds to the muscular system enabling movement in space, assists muscular motions, cause of muscular motion, seat in head), a vegetable drug, eye, sun, motion, pervasive energy, greater extension, that which is fully encompassed or covered over by another, 1 of rlung lnga, prana which penetrates, pervasive wind, pervasive rlung, pervasive prana [JV]

entailing factor; 1) to pervade etc. see khyab pa. 2) the pervader. 3) abbr. of khyab par byed pa 4) ye. 5) sun. 6) name of a plant and drug 7) existence, being, well-being, prosperity wealth. 8) metabolism / circulation / muscular movement; all-pervading; pervader [RY]

entailing factor [RB]

pervade[r] [IW]