ltogs pa

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be hungry, make starve hunger hungry [IW]

to be hungry; hungry, starving; ltogs pa, ltogs pa, ltogs pa intr. v [RY]

hungry, hunger, regret [JV]

1) (Tha mi dad pa hunger * two hungry person [IW]

1) (Tha mi dad pa) hunger [.Ltogs grang gnyis mnar,...Ltogs pa zungs chad,...Ltogs nas thabs med pa,...Ltogs nas 'chi la khad pa,...'Grang ltogs mi shes mkhan,...Ltod phyug snyoms pa] 2. hungry person [Mi ltogs pa la khyis skyugs pa'i re ba byed pa 'khrul,...'Grangs pa gnyid khug kyang ltogs pa gnyid ma khug] [IW]