mkho ba'i yo byad

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TSE necessary articles [IW]

indispensable things, necessary articles [JV]

(Tserig) necessary articles prescribed for monks, (silken, woollen and other pieces of cloth exceeding one cubit one of rab byung gi gos kyi gzhi [rab byung gi gos kyi gzhi'i nang gses, yo byad gsum gyi ya gyal zhig ste, 'tsho ba'i yo byad gang rung gi dbyibs su ma drubs pa'i gos khru gang yan chad tshad ma nges pa mdog dbyibs ma nges pa, rang dang grogs tshangs pa mtshungs par spyod pa gzhan gnyis ka'i ming gis byin gyis brlabs pa, dar gos snam bu lta bu nor gyi 'du shes dang, zhva dang ska rags sogs gos kyi 'du shes skye ba'i yo byad dag [IW]

(TS) necessary articles [prescribed for monks], (silken, woollen and other pieces of cloth exceeding 1 cubit 1 of rab byung gi gos kyi gzhi [R] [IW]

1) necessary articles prescribed for monks, constitutes silken, woolen and other pieces of cloth exceeding one cubit. 2) One of rab byung gi gos kyi gzhi [RY]

provisions [RY]

possessions, useful things, things that were needed [RY]

necessities [RY]