btang snyoms
neutrality [RY]
equanimity *, impartiality, indifference, unconcern, even mindedness, ignore, disregard, be careless/ indifferent/ impartial [IW]
1) equanimity, impartiality, indifference, unconcern, evenmindedness, apathy [as one of the eleven virtuous mental states]. 2) to ignore, disregard, be careless, indifferent, neutral; impartial; 3) mnyam par gzhag pa'i tshe bying rgod sogs kyis mi nyams par rtsol med mnyam nyid du 'jug pa pure state of equanimity; one of the byang chub yan lag bdun the seven causes of enlightenment; neutral feeling between pleasure and suffering, neutrality, one of the four immeasurables tshad med pa bzhi [RY]
1) equanimity [middle not falling into partialities of enemy and friend, pleasure and pain passion and aggression etc.]; 2) [one of the dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig]] in body and mind la w/o doing harm 'dod kyang med, body and mind also w/o performance of excellent virtue and benefit pas 'grogs pa'am phrad par 'dod pa yang med do; 3) [one of the four bhrama viharas tsangs pa'i gnas pa bzhi, equanimity toward sentient beings w/o near and far, an antidote for passion and aggression [one of the 11 virtuous mental states, 1 of the byang chub yan lag bdun - the 7 limbs or causes of enlightenment] impartiality, indifference, unconcern, even mindedness ignore, disregard, be careless indifferent, impartial [in meditation entering into effortless equanimity undamaged by discursiveness and wildness and so forth in meditation, w/o experiencing drowsiness or discursiveness etc., entering into effortless equality] [IW]
equanimity; apathy/ indifference [RB]
even-mindedness, indifference, equanimity mibp 55, careless, equilibrium, purposeless, indifferent, without any object in view, even treatment of all things, perfect apathy, perfect impartiality [JV]
even mindedness [RY]