phyag chen rig 'dzin
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phyag rgya chen po'i rig 'dzin master/ holder of awareness of mahamudra/ the supreme seal/ symbol* [RB]
awareness-holder of the great seal [RY]
knowledge-holders with capacity to contact longs sku and symbol teachings [JV]
Vidyadhara level of Mahamudra [RY]
awareness-holder of the great seal [sngags rnying ma'i sa lam bgrod tsul rig 'dzin rnam bzhi'i ya gyal zhig ste, bsgom pa'i lam bsdus te mthong lam 'od gsal de las langs pa'i slob pa'i zung 'jug ye shes sku can gyi phyag rgya chen po'i rig 'dzin no [IW]