rnam rtog
1) mind's experiences; 2) hesitation/ doubt [Rnam rtog tsa po,...Rnam rtog can la 'dre dgu 'khor,...Drang bden gyi las don la hur brtson che bskyed byas na 'grub min gyi rnam rtog mi dgos = kun rtog dang, rtog pa, rtog dpyod, dran pa, yang dag rtog yid kyi las, yid gzhungs, yid la byed pa, sems kyi longs spyod, bsam mno] [IW]
[discursive] thought superstition, conceptual thinking, conceptuality, discursiveness, conceptualization, relfective/ secondary thought, association, imaginating mindform, conceptualization, thought chains, idea-construction, chain thinking rnam = form, apparent phenomena rtog = relect or get idea about that [tserig] [IW]
[discursive] thought, superstition, conceptual thinking, conceptuality, discursiveness, conceptualization, relfective/ secondary thought, association, imaginating mind form, thought chains, idea-construction, chain thinking rnam = form, apparent phenomena rtog = relect or get idea about that [tserig] [IW]
[discursive] thought. superstition, Namtog, conceptual thinking, conceptuality, discursiveness, conceptualization, discursive thoughts, discursive. discursive thought, thought. reflective thought, secondary thought, association, imaginating mind form, conceptualization, thought chains, idea-construction, chain thinking. Li. rnam form, apparent phenomena. rtog to reflect or get idea about that. thought, discursive thought, [vikalpa]; thought, concept, idea [RY]
discursive or conceptual thought [RY]
vikalpa, discursive thought, preconceived ideas, thoughts, interpretative concepts, habit-making thoughts, thought construction, postulates, cogitation, actual perception, thought, reflection, unreal conclusions, imagination, aberrations of the mind, obscuration, disgust, distaste, doubt, conceptual understanding, (subtle stage of mentality, division into subject and object, observable qualities defined, superstition, (man's dividedness against himself, division into subject and object, tendency to artificially divide reality, second stage of rtog med in which a mind is postulated dealing with sense fields and sense perceptions or with subject and object, clinging to duality, characterized by a thorough-going split), SA rtog pa kun rtog, divisive thoughts, thought state [JV]
rnam par rtog pa thought (patterns)/ thinking; concept(ion); conceptual process [RB]
1) experience/ perception of mind; 2) fears and doubts / * [discursive] thought, superstition, concept[ual thinking], conceptuality, discursiveness, conceptualization, reflective/ 2ndary thought, association, imaginating mind form, thought chains, idea[-construction] *] [IW]