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Hayagriva (the horse-headed one, the horse-headed deity yi dam) [IW]

Hayagriva [RY]

Hayagriva. Tantric deity shown with a horse's head within his flaming hair; wrathful aspect of Buddha Amitabha. Here identical with Padma Heruka, Lotus Speech, among the Eight Sadhana Teachings [RY]

Hayagriva, the Horse-headed One, the horse-headed deity [RY]

hayagriva, a chos skyong, yum is 'od zer can ma, SA phur ba, 1 of sgrub pa bka' brgyad, gsung hayagriva, horse-headed one, deity with a man's body and horse head [JV]

Hayagriva tantric deity always shown with a horse's head within his flaming hair; wrathful aspect of Amitabha, Lord of Speech. Identical with Padma Heruka, Lotus Speech, among the Eight Sadhana Teachings [RY]