crupper attached to a saddle, much, so many, how many, about, near [JV]
I) RJY: 1) all the...; 2) the crupper, 3) is, 4) to be found, 5) exist. II) Das, 507: 1) the crupper attached to a saddle. 2) in ji snyed lta bu, 'di snyed cig, or de snyed cig so much, so many, frq. used for how many: yon tan 'di snyed mnga' 'o so many excellent qualities has he. ci snyed or ji snyed how much, how many? 3) after numbers: about, near: stong snyed about or near a thousand; stong ji snyed about a thousand also: how many thousands? (J�.). III) CM, 1012: i) tshad nges bzung med pa'i tsam gyi don ston pa'i phrad cig. � ji snyed pa. de snyed cig. ngal rtsol gyi yon tan ji snyed cig dang ldanpa. 2) lo gsum yan lon pa'i lug. [mss] [RY]
[arch] rmed, all the, crupper, is, be found, exist [IW]