tshul khrims brtul zhugs mchog 'dzin

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holding [a] discipline [or ritual] to be paramount, overestimation of discipline [or ritual] [IW]

holding [a] discipline [or ritual] to be paramount, overestimation of discipline [or ritual] [tshul 'chal spong ba'i tshul khrims dang, cha byad, tshul, lus ngag bcas kyi 'jug pa nges par byed pa'i brtul zhugs dang, gang la brten nas de dag 'byung ba'i phung por dmigs nas sdig pa 'dag pa dang nyon mongs las grol ba dang 'khor ba las nges par 'byin par lta ba'i shes rab nyon mongs can te lta ba lnga'i nang gses shig] [IW]

Holding discipline and austerity supreme DKC


The view that holds what is not the cause as cause and that holds what is not the path to liberation as the path. In terms of cause, this means holding Great Indra or another god as the creator of the world, or holding austerities such as bathing in a the Ganges or sitting in between hot fires as the cause of liberation. DKC