ye shes lha'i sgrub sde lnga

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Five Classes of Means for Attainment of Pristine Cognition. Those of the deities Yamantaka, Hayagriva, Yangdag, Vajra Amrita or Chemchok, and Vajrakilaya [RY]

five classes of means for attainment of pristine cognition [R] [IW]

five classes of means for attainment of pristine cognition [IW]

five classes of means for attainment of pristine cognition [Those of the deities yam ntaka, hayagri^va, yangdak, vajr m.rta or Chemchok, and vajraki^la. Refer to fundamentals, pt.4, pp. 000, also History, ch. 2, pp. 000-000. [gdmk] [IW]