
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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ask, request, to melt, to report [RY]

ask, request, melt, smelt, tell, say, report, hat, take receive, be called *, [h] verbalizer [indicates action from sj to oj ngas khong la gdan 'dren zhus: I invited him [h] phyag nas zhus pa: taken from his hand [h] rdo rje lags zhu ba red: he's called Dorje] [IW]

ask, request, melt, smelt, tell, say, report, hat, take receive, be called *, [h] verbalizer [IW]

ask, request, melt, report, hat [,//Thang zhu,//wa zhu,//pad zhu [IW]

dissolve, melt, to say, tell, ask, request, receive [JV]