'thab bral
Conflict-Free [RY]
Conflict-Free; one of 'dod lha rigs drug six classes of desire gods [RY]
free from strife, Yama, Aviha [IW]
free from strife, Yama, Aviha [third of the six realms of the desire gods 'dod lha [ris] drug, one of the (28 classes of gods in the 'dod khams = desire realm. In the sky above Mount Meru, called free from strife because there is no fighting with the asuras.] [IW]
yama, free from strife (description of a heaven), SA mtshe ma, free from conflict heaven, 1 of 'dod lha rigs drug [JV]
skt. Yama (god realm). Syn 'thab rtsod dang bral ba third of the 'dod lha drug Yama, the Aviha Gods, Land, Heaven Without Combat. the conflict-free, free from strife, one of the 28 classes of gods in the 'dod khams desire realm. [Yama] the Aviha Gods, The conflict Free, Lord without combat, heaven 'without combat', free of fighting with the asuras, the Strifeless, [3rd of 'dod lha drug one of the 28 classes of gods in the 'dod khams desire realm]. the Strifeless, [3rd of 'dod lha drug] [RY]