dad pa
willingness to participate, believe in, confidence, trust, faith, mibp 38, creed, devotion, three kinds (dang ba'i dad pa, yid ches pa'i dad pa, phyir mi ldog pa'i dad pa), SA yid khyed shes kyi dad pa, devotion [JV]
1. (Tha mi dad pa), ; 1) [have) inspiring] faith; 2) joy + desire [+ clinging]; 2) for a genuine object inspiring faith and support of aspiration [one of the dge ba'i sems byung bcu gcig faith; 11) virtuous mental states), devotion have/ feel faith, wish, thirst, believe, be willing to participate] [IW]
1. (Tha mi dad pa; 1) [have inspiring] faith; 2) joy + desire [+ clinging]; 2) for a genuine object inspiring faith and support of aspiration [IW]
faith; confidence; Faith, as one of the eleven virtuous mental states, devotion, to have, feel faith, to wish, thirst, to believe, willingness to participate. dad pa, dad pa, dad pa intr. v [RY]
faith; isc. confidence (i.e. as one of the stobs lnga or dbang po lnga) [RB]
reverence, respect [RY]
faith [thd]