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sems bskyed{C}production of thought
sems bskyed ma thag tu chos kyi 'khor lo bskor ba{C}Sacittotpāda-dharmacakra-pravartin [p.n. of a Bodhisattva]
sems bskyed pa{C}production of thought; attitude of mind
sems bskyed par bgyid pa{C}reflects
sems byed{C}would perservere (single-mindedly?)
sems can{C}relation to a being; world
sems can 'jig rten{C}the world of living beings
sems can dam pa{C}the very cream of beings
sems can dbul po{C}beggarly being
sems can du gdags pa{C}concept of a being
sems can gyi phung po{C}mass of beings
sems can gyi ris{C}collection/world of beings; clan of beings
sems can gyis{C}relation to a being
sems can khams{C}world of beings
sems can kyi khams{C}world of beings
sems can med pa{C}(it) is not; non-beingness; there is no being; absence of a being; they have not the character of beings; no beings (in it); a being is non-existent; unsubstantial; non-existence of a being
sems can med pa'i phyir{C}from the non-beingness of beings; non-existence of a being; there is no being
sems can ngo bo nyid ma mchis pa dang skye ba ma mchis pa'i rang bzhin can{C}the absence of own-being in beings belongs to the very essence of
sems can thams cad 'dul nus pa{C}Sarva-vinaya-samartha [p.n. of a Buddha]
sems can thams cad las mngon par 'phags pa{C}a state where they are elevated above all beings
sems can tshogsbody of beings
sems dad pa gcig tsam{C}one single thought
sems dang po bskyed pa yin{C}from where they began with the production of the thought of enlightenment; on account of the first thought of enlightenment; on account of the first production of the first thought of enlightenment; from the first thought of enlightenment onwards
sems dang po gnas pa{C}one who has had his first thought of enlightenment
sems dang sems byung rnams{C}thought and its constituents
sems dang sems las byung ba{C}mental events
sems dmyal{C}hell
sems dpa'{C}substance; energy
'byung ba yin{C}(became) manifest; come out of
sems dul ba{C}a mind completely tamed
sems gnas pa{C}stability of thought
sems khong khro ba med pa{C}his thought free from hostility
sems khros{C}with angry thought
sems kun gnas pa{C}complete stabilization of thought
sems kyi{C}mental event; which belongs to thought
sems kyi rgyud{C}series of thoughts; trend of thought; mentality
sems kyi rgyun{C}trend of thought
sems kyi rgyun ma chad cing ma bral bar{C}while giving no opportunity to thought of another kind
sems kyi rnam grangs shes pa{C}the cognition of others' mental make-up
sems kyi rnam rtog spyod pa{C}thoughts and doings/actions; preoccupations
sems kyi skad cig{C}thought-moment
sems kyi skad cig ma gcig dang ldan pa{C}connected with; entrusted to
sems kyi spyod pa{C}thoughts and doings
sems kyi spyod pa dang g.yo rnams{C}the thoughts and actions
sems kyi yongs su rtog pa sems{C}knew that ... he was in such a wise discoursing in his heart
sems kyis byed pa{C}thought-generated
sems kyis rtogs par bya ba{C}what thought has access to
sems la gdung ba{C}thoughts which torment
sems la gnod par byed{C}cherish malice for; feel anger
sems la sgrib pa{C}thought-coverings