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dus gzhan la dgongs pa[kālāntarabhiprāya]/ Determining another time. Interpretive [sūtra] taught with reference to another time, e.g. the [sūtra] in which the Buddha taught, 'If you recite Sukhavati prayers you will immediately be born there', where the intention of the Buddha was that through proper practice of the precepts of the Buddha of the Blissful Realm, one may be born there in the future.
don gzhan la dgongs pa[arthāntarābhiprāya]/ Determining another meaning; intending another meaning. Interpretive [sūtra] indicating another meaning, e.g. the [sūtra], 'all phenomena lack inherent existence', to those who accept inherent existence as their basic philosophy.
mtshan nyid ldem por dgongs pa[lakṣaṇābhisandhi]/ Interpretive [sūtra] concerning the characteristics (of phenomena), e.g. the [sūtra] included in the Third Turning of the Wheel of doctrine in which Buddha clearly explained the three categones of phenomena in terms of their true existence or lack of true existence.
gang zag gi bsam pa la dgongs pa[pudgalāṡayābhiprāya]/ Determining the interest of a person. A type of interpretative teaching of Buddha, e.g. the teaching, highlighting the importance of the practice of generosity as the best, in which Buddha's basic intention is to teach the equal importance of the practice of six perfections.
dgongs pa[abhiprāya]/ A. Thought, idea or view point. B. Honorific for mind. С The essential point. D. Permission.
dgongs pa can bzhi[catvāro bhiprāyā]/ The four interpretative [sūtras] primarily stressing the basic intention of Buddha\n1. {mnyam pa nyid la dgongs pa/} [samatābhiprāya]/ determining the samenesses\n2. {don gzhan la dgongs pa/} [arthāntarābhiprāya]/ determining some other meaning\n3. {dus gzhan la dgongs pa/} [kālāntarābhiprāya]/ determining some other time\n4. {gang zag gi bsam pa la dgongs pa/} [pudgalāntārabhiprāya]/ determining the interest of a particular person.
dgongs pa brda'i gsungThe teaching through symbolic gestures. One of the five ways of imparting teaching (see {gsung lnga}) by a sambhogakaya Buddha who transmits teachings to his circle of disciples through physical gestures and the meaning is understood by the disciples, A special lineage of transmission as asserted by the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
dgongs pa yongs su 'grub paComplete fulfillment of the thought. One of the four objects of pervasion (see {khyab pa'i dmigs pa bzhi}). The experience of self-transformation from this impure body to a pure body as a result of repeated training of complete attention and familiarity with the chosen object of calm-abiding (zhi-gnas) and pene ative insight (lhag-mthong) meditation.
bsgyur ba ldem por dgongs paInterpretive [sūtras] for the purpose of encouragement. For instance, the [sūtra]s in which Buddha taught those of weak aptitude that, 'enlightenment can be achieved through striving hard in the accumulation of two types of merits'.
gnyen po ldem por dgongs pa[pratipakṣābhisandhi]/ Interpretive sūtras concerning antidotes. For instance, the [sūtra] which says, 'father and mother are to be killed', taught to king [ajātaṡatru] in order to calm his regrets temporarily and to teach him to eliminate ignorance and karma ultimately.
mnyam pa nyid la dgongs pa[samatābhiprāya]/ Interpretative [sūtra] determining the samenesses; e.g., the sūtra. 'I shall be Buddha Maltreya at that time', in which the basic intention of Buddha was to reveal that all the Buddhas are equal in having attained the three equal states (see {mnyam pa nyid gsum}).