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gzhi dus kyi ye shes lngaThe five basic wisdoms for transforming the five delusions into wisdoms.\n1. {gzhi dus kyi me long ye shes/} mirror-like wisdom for self-pacification of hatred-anger\n2. {gzhi dus kyi mnyam nyid ye shes/} wisdom of equality or sameness for self-pacification of pride\n3. {gzhi dus kyi sor rtogs ye shes/} wisdom of analysis for self-pacification of desire-attachment\n4. {gzhi dus kyi bya sgrub ye shes/} wisdom of accomplishment for self-pacificationof jealousy\n5. {gzhi dus kyi chos dbyings ye shes/} wisdom of reality for self-pacification of closed-mindedness.
zag med ye shes sde tshan nyer gcigTwenty-one groups of uncontaminated wisdom.\n1. {byang phyogs so bdun/} thirty-seven auxiliaries to enlightenment (see {byangs phyog so bdun})\n2. {tshad med bzhi/} four immeasurables (see {tshad med bzhi})\n3. {rnam thar brgyad/} [aṣṭa vimokṣāḥ]/ eight emancipations (see {rnam thar brgyad})\n4. {mthar gyis gnas pa'i snyoms 'jug dgu} nine absorptions (see {snyoms 'jug dgu})\n5. {zad par bcu/} ten exhaustions/ ten totally pervasive concentrations (see {zad pa bcu})\n6. {zil gyis gnon pa brgyad/} eight outshining factors/ eight surpassing concentrations (see {zil gnon brgyad})\n7. {nyon mongs med pa'i ting nge 'dzin/} concentration free of delusions\n8. {smon gnas mkhyen pa/} [praṇidhijñāsamādhi]/ knowledge of one's object of prayers\n9. {mngon shes drug} six extra-sensory perceptions (see {mngon par shes pa drug})\n10. {so so yang dag rig pa bzhi/} four specific perfect understandings (see {so sor yang dag pa rig pa bzhi})\n11. {rnam dag bzhi/} four purities: a) {rten rnam dag} pure basis b) {dmigs pa rnam dag} pure objects c) {thugs rje rnam dag} pure compassion d) {ye shes rnam dag} pure primordial wisdom\n12. {dbangabacu/} ten sovereign qualities (see {dbang phug bcu})\n13. {stobs bcu/} [daṡa balāni]/ ten powers (see {de bzhin gshegs pa'i stobs bcu})\n14. {mi 'jigs pa bzhi/} four fearlessnesses (see {mi 'jigs pa bzhi})\n15. {bsrung ba med pa gsum/} three unguarded aspects—that of physical, verbal and mental behaviours of a Buddha\n16. {dran pa nye bar gzhag pa gsum/} three close contemplations (see {dran pa nye bar gzhag pa gsum})\n17. {bsnyel ba mi mnga' ba'i chos nyed/} non-negligence of the purpose of sefttient beings\n18. {bag chags yang dag bcom pa/} complete elimination of latencies of three delusions\n19. {thugs rje chen po/} [mahākaruṇā]/ great compassion\n20. {sangs rgyas kyi chos ma 'dres pa bco brgyad/} eighteen unshared qualities of a Buddha (see {ma 'dres pa bco brgyad})\n21. {mkhyen pa gsum} three wisdoms (see {mkhyen gsum}).
zab gsal gnyis med kyi ye shesThe primordial wisdom of non-dual profundity and clarity. The wisdom of a yogi, who experiences a clear vision of the divine [maṇḍala] like the rainbow within the understanding of emptiness.
ye shes kyi mkha' 'gro ma[jñāna ḍākinī]/ The wisdom dakini; the primordial wisdom dakini. A. The transworldly female Bodhisattvas. B. Vajra Yogini.
ye shes kyi thig le[jñāna bindu]/ The primordial wisdom drop. The indestructible drop within the heart center in the central energy channel.
ye shes kyi rdor dril[jñāna vajra]/ The primordial wisdom vajra and bell. The inner method and wisdom, i.e. the great bliss and emptiness, symbolized by the nine-spoked vajra and bell.
ye shes kyi snang baThe primordial wisdom appearance; the primordial wisdom vision. The vision of everything seen as totally pure.
ye shes kyi spyan[jñāna cakṣu]/ The primordial wisdom eye; the wisdom eye; the divine look. In its highest sense it is the ability to see everything that exists.
ye shes kyi phyag rgya[jñāna mudrā]/ The primordial wisdom mudra. The wisdom of non-dual profundity and clarity.
ye shes kyi tshogs[jñāna saṃbhāra]/ Collection of wisdom; accumulation of\ninsight. The virtuous energy conjoined with the mind of enlightenment and wisdom understanding emptiness that is a cause for producing the resultant wisdom-body of the Buddha.
ye shes sgyu ma[jñāna māyā]/ The illusory body of wisdom. The inconceivable activities of all [tathāgatas]; the emanation of their wisdom projected in action.
ye shes lnga[pañca jñānāni]/ The five wisdoms of a Buddha.\n1. {me long lta bu'i ye shes/} [ādarṡā jñānam]/ mirror-like wisdom\n2. {sor rtogs ye shes/} [pratyavekṣaṇā jñānam]/ wisdom of discrimination\n3. {mnyam nyid ye shes/} [samatā jñānam]/ wisdom of equality\n4. {bya sgrub ye shes/} [kṛtyānusthāna jñānam]/ wisdom of accomplishment\n5. [dharmadhātu jñānam]/ wisdom of reality.
ye shes chos sku[jñānakāya]/ Wisdom truth body; the omniscient mind of a Buddha.
ye shes sems dpa'[jñānasattva]/ Wisdom being. The actual meditational deity that is meditated upon or visualized; a generation stage practice of meditation in tantra in which a wisdom being is meditated at the heart of one's pledge being ({dam tshig pa}) seated on a sun and moon cushion.
rang byung ye shes[svāyambhū vijñāna]/ Self-born wisdom; spontaneously arisen wisdom in the mental continuum of all sentient beings.
shes rab ye shes kyi dbang[prajñājñānābhiṣekha]/ The primordial wisdom initiation; the wisdom-knowledge initiation. A highest yoga tantra initiation, in which the mind of disciples is initiated in reliance upon the [maṇḍala] of the femine consort: their mental delusions are removed; they are empowered to carry out completion stage practice meditation and the seed to obtain the dharmakaya of mind-vajra is implanted into the mental continuum of the disciples.
lha bla ma ye shes 'odLha Lama Yeshe Od. A tenth century Tibetan King of Ngari region, western Tibet, who was the younger son of the King of Guge; in the latter part of his life he offered the kingdom to his brother in order to become a monk, and was later instrumental in inviting [atiṡa] to Tibet.
lhan cig skyes pa'i ye shes[sahajajñāna]/ Wisdom of innate production; innately born wisdom. The immense joy and bliss experienced by a Yogi through the practice of making the energy wind enter, abide and dissolve within the central energy channel at the initial level of the completion stage practice of tantra
chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shes[dharmadhātu jñāna]/ The primordial wisdom cognizing the reality of phenomena. The lack of inherent nature or the emptiness of the five aggregates.
gnyug ma'i ye shesThe primordial wisdom; the naturally abiding intutive mind or awareness, also called the basic wisdom.