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bye brag bshad mdzod chen moGreat Exposition
chengreat; big; large
chen pogreat; large; big; great one
chen po nyidgreatness
chen po nyid rnam pa bdunseven aspects of greatness; seven greatnesses
chen po skorgreater cycles
chen po stong pa nyidgreat emptiness
chen po yi chen pogreat of the great
chen po'i 'bringmiddling of the great
chen po'i chen pobig of the big; great of the great
chen po'i chung ngusmall of the great
chen por bgyidmake great
chen por gyur pabecome great
chen por mi bgyidnot make great
chung ngu dang chen posmall and great
chung ngu'i chen pogreat of the small
cog ro lo chenthe Great Translator Jok-ro
dag mnyam chen pogreat equality of purity
dbang phyug chen poMaheśvara; Śiva
dbu ma chen poGreat Middle Way
dge 'dun phal chen paMahāsāṃghika; Great Assembly School
dgon pa nags khrod chen pogreat forest; hermitage in a great forest
dmigs pa chen po nyidgreatness of the object of observation
don chen legs rtogsunderstand well the great meaning
don chen nyidgreat purpose
don chen pogreat meaning; greatly meaningful
don chen po mthong ba yid la byed pamental contemplation observing the great meaning
'bras bu byang chub chen pothe fruit, great enlightenment
don du chen pogreatly meaningful
don du chen po byed pagreatly meaningful
'bras bu chen pogreat effect; great fruit
glang chenelephant
glang po chen po'i lta stangselephant-gaze; gaze of an elephant
glo mkhan chen bsod nams lhun grubLo Ken-chen Sö-nam-hlün-drup(GD:ix)
gnas chen pogreat place; great abode
go cha chen po bgos soput on great armor
gong chengreatly high
grags chen bco brgyadeighteen [texts] of great renown [a Sa-kya collection](GD:309)
grags chen ldangrealty famous; greatly renowned
grags pa rgya chenViśālakīrti [name of a Tathāgata]
grogs snying rje chen pos zin cingaffected by great compassion which is its accompanier
gtsug lag khang chenMahāvihārin [p.n.]
'grel chenHaribhadra’s Great Commentary
'grel chen dri med 'od[Kalki Puṇḍarīka's] Great Commentary on the Kālachakra Tantra: Stainless Light (bsdus pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dus kyi 'khor lo'i 'grel bshad rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi rjes su 'jug pa stong phrag bcu gnyis pa dri ma med pa'i 'od ces bya ba, vimālaprabhānāmamūlat
gzhal med khang chengreat inestimable mansion
gzhi ka dag 'od gsal chen pobasal essentially pure great clear light
khyung rin chen gragsKyung-rin-chen-drag [c.1150 - 1200; a disciple of Cha-pa Chö-kyi-seng-ge (phya pa chos kyi seng ge)]
klongexpanse; sphere
klong chengreat expanse; great sphere
klong chen pa; klong chen pa dri med 'od zerLong-chen-pa (1308-1363, a central Nying-ma [rnying ma] scholar-yogi)