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rnam par rtogs pa{C}false discrimination; no-construction
rnam par rtse ba{C}plays with; sports with
rnam par sel ba{C}casting off; dispersing; purifies; cleanse; clean away; removes; remove; dispel; drive asunder; diversion; pasttime
rnam par sgom pa{C}annihilation; undone; clear understanding; undevelopment
rnam par shes pa 'dra ba med pa{C}his consciousness conforms to
rnam par shes pa gnas pa{C}foundation of conscious life
rnam par shes pa phan tshun dang ldan pa{C}mind on other things; his mind on other kinds of talk
rnam par shes pa;rnam shes;shes pa{C}be aware of; cognized; known; discerned
rnam par shes par bgyid pa{C}is informed about
rnam par shes par gyur pa{C}discernible; distinct; should be known; one should understand/discern; belonging to consciousness
rnam par skye{C}grows
rnam par skyo{C}exhausted
rnam par smin{C}reward; karma-result
rnam par smin la{C}reward
rnam par smin pa{C}reward; karma-result
rnam par smin pa las byung ba{C}born of karma-result
rnam par smin pa las skyes pa{C}born of karma-result
rnam par smin pa yin nas{C}be a result (of karma)
rnam par smod par 'gyur{C}censure
rnam par snang ba{C}like the shining sun
rnam par sngos pa{C}a blueish (or discolored) corpse; dark blue
rnam par spang bar bya{C}avoid; get rid of; reject
rnam par spangs{C}rejection; avoid; having relinquished; without; avoided; get rid of; reject
rnam par spangs pa{C}having relinquished; without; avoided; reject; abandoned; left behind
rnam par spong ba{C}turning away from
rnam par spong bar 'gyur ro{C}replies; get rid of; answer
rnam par spros te go ba ma yin pa{C}cannot understand unless all details are explained
rnam par spyod{C}pass through; explain; wander about; wanders; behave; undo; course apart from
rnam par thar pa{C}emancipation; deliverance [there are eight kinds]
rnam par tshig pa{C}a burned corpse
rnam par zos pa{C}a corpse being devoured; mangled; eaten by worms
rnam shes mtha'{C}infinite consciousness
rnam shes mtha' yas{C}infinite consciousness
rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched{C}sense-field of infinite consciousness
rnam smin{C}karma-result; result; reward; {GD:801} [karmic] effect
rnam spangs{C}avoid; get rid of; reject
rngog legs pa'i shes rab{GD:ix,xiii} N#gok-lek-b#ay-s#hay-rap (circa 11th c.), a G#a-dam-b#a author on epistemology
rngog lo tsa ba bol ldan shes rab{GD:ix,xiii} N#gok Lo-d#za-wa L#o-den-s#hay-rap (1059-1109), a G#a-dam-b#a author on epistemology
rta can shes ltar{C}like a thoroughbred stallion
rtog med log shes{GD:543} deluded non-conceptual cognition
rtog pa dang rnam par rtog pa thams cad spangs pa'i slad du{C}because he has forsaken all constructions and discriminations
rtog pas rnam par bsgrubs pa{C}fabricated (by thought-construction)
rtogs pa mngon par brjod can gyi shes pa{GD:322} "that cognition which is [characterized by] words"; this is Kamalasila's interpretation of Dharmakirti's characterization of conceptual thought
sangs rgyas kyi rnam par rol pas rtse bar{C}a Buddha's sport
sangs rgyas ye shes mchog tu rab byung{C}exceedingly wonderful Buddha-cognition
sde bdun mdo dang bcas pa'i dgongs 'grel tshad ma rigs gter gyi 'grel ba'i rnam bshad rigs lam gsal ba'i nyi ma{GD:845} Lo Khen-chen's (glo bo mkhan chen bsod nams lhun grub) Sun Illuminating the Path of Reasoning, an Extensive Explanation which is a Commentary to [Sa-paṇ's] Treasury of Valid Cognition" [and] a Commentary on the Thought of [Dharmakīrti's] Seven Tr
sems kyi rnam grangs shes pa{C}the cognition of others' mental make-up
sems kyi rnam rtog spyod pa{C}thoughts and doings/actions; preoccupations
sems rnam par 'khrugs pa{C}perplexed; confusion of thought
sems rnam par g.yeng ba{C}perplexed; distracted thoughts; confusion of thought