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dmigs pa'i chosconceptual framework(s)
gzhi gnas kyi chos skudharmakaya as it abides in the ground of being naturally/ inherently indwelling dharmakaya
khyad chosparticular/ special feature/ attribute/ element
khyad chos drug ldanendowed with six special attributes/ qualities*
kun 'byung chos sheskun 'byung la chos shes pa knowledge of the phenomenon of the all-pervasive origin of suffering [specifically in the desire realm]
lam chos sheslam la chos shes pa knowledge of the phenomenon of the path (specifically in the desire realm)
lam la chos shes paknowledge of the phenomenon of the path (specifically in the desire realm)
ltos chosdependent factor/ phenomenon
mi shigs pa rdo rje'i chos bdunseven vajra qualities of indestructibility
mthong ba'i chosphenomena in one's immediate perception
mthong chosmthong ba'i chos phenomena in one's immediate perception
mtshan ma'i chosphenomenon with (ordinary) characteristics/ that can be characterized; thing to be characterized
phyogs chospremise/ proposition (in logic)
rgyu'i chos skucausal (aspect of) dharmakaya
rtags choslogical reasons and (their) conclusion(s); proof
rtog med mnyam pa'i chos lngafive principles of nonconceptual evenness
sangs rgyas kyi chos ma 'dres pa bco brgyadeighteen distinctive qualities/ factors/ features unique to buddhas and unshared [with ordinary beings]
sdug bsngal chos bzodsdug bsngal la chos shes pa'i bzod pa patient acceptance producing knowledge of the phenomenon of suffering (specifically in the desire realm)
sdug bsngal chos shessdug bsngal la chos shes pa knowledge of the phenomenon of suffering (specifically in the desire realm)
sdug bsngal la chos shes paknowledge of the phenomenon of suffering (specifically in the desire realm)
sdug bsngal la chos shes pa'i bzod papatient acceptance producing knowledge of the phenomenon of suffering (specifically in the desire realm)
sgos chosspecific detail
sgro skur[where duality is not prominent] value judgement; misinterpret(ation) [where duality is prominent] exaggeration and denigration/ deprecation/ disparagement; wishful thinking and/ or cynicism; overstatement and/ or understatement/ belittling; unfounded supposition and/ or denial; isc. contradiction; isc. to glorify or disparage
skul babskul ba - to invoke/ exhort (to action)
skur 'debsto deny/ deprecate/ understate/ belittle/ misinterpret; deprecation; denial
skur ba 'debs pato deny/ deprecate/ understate/ belittle/ misinterpret; deprecation; denial
snang ba'i chosphenomena that appear
spyod pa rnams sbyong ba'i chosspiritual teachings for refining behavior patterns
yang dag chos nyidauthentic nature of phenomena
zad pa'i chos nyid(true) nature in which phenomena resolve/ fall away