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  • Dundul Wangchok (sa skya khri chen padma bdud ‘dul dbang phyug, 1792– 1853), Zhalu Losel Tenkyong (zhwa lu blo gsal bstan skyong, b. 1804), and Ngor Khenchen
    112 KB (18,693 words) - 11:13, 7 August 2017
  • body {sgyu lus}; the yoga of dream {rmi lam}; the yoga of luminosity {'od gsal}; the yoga of consciousness transference {'pho ba} and the yoga of the intermediate
    27 KB (4,512 words) - 13:14, 12 August 2008
  • rnams% nam mkha' bzhin du kun la khyab par shog% nyi zla bzhin du kun la gsal bar shog% ri bo bzhin du rtag tu brtan par shog% bstan pa'i gzhi ma dge 'dun
    8 KB (1,311 words) - 11:22, 27 October 2006
  • 'brug pa B4. rdzogs chen sprul sku V B5. [[mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros B6. padma blo gsal Chart 3.3 klong snying Lineage (mgon po tshe brtan Tradition)
    218 KB (37,360 words) - 21:28, 9 January 2006
  • bsam gtan phun tshogs) and his reincarnation Kunga Lodrö Nyingpo (kun dga' blo gros snying po); 8) bon ri, "Bön Mountain", in the north-east, a seat of the
    28 KB (4,404 words) - 12:51, 12 August 2008
  • byang gsal bar ston pa rnam grangs rgya mthso'i gter A detailed explanation of the various concepts and categories of Buddist philosophy, by padma rig 'dzin
    23 KB (3,653 words) - 03:13, 9 May 2006
  • rang gi ngo bo skyon med pa la yang go rung ngo ,, tshig dang yi ge gsal pas gsal ba ni sbyor ba'i sgo nas so,, lta ngan sel bas snyan la 'jebs pa, nges
    122 KB (25,894 words) - 20:20, 15 January 2006
  • 'debs / thang stong rgyal po kun dga' grol mchog dang / sgrol ba'i mgon po blo gros mtha 'yas zhabs / rang byung kun khyab rdor slob bstan 'dzin sogs / rtsa
    8 KB (1,548 words) - 11:15, 19 July 2019
  • Wangpo, Pema Ösel Do-ngag Lingpa ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, padma 'od gsal mdo sngags gling pa, 1820-1892), the profound cycle of teachings known
    4 KB (693 words) - 20:29, 11 October 2006
  • slob dpon padma'i zhal nas / tshig rtsub mo spangs na / rgyal po gsal rgyal gyis bu mo bde byed ma lta bu thob gsung. 249.2. 59. slob dpon padma'i zhal nas
    13 KB (2,785 words) - 10:34, 26 May 2006
  • intellectual constructs. [RY] Padma Garwang Lodro Thaye (padma gar dbang blo gros mtha' yas). Another name for Jamgon Kongtrul. Padma Garwang means 'Lotus Lord
    88 KB (13,506 words) - 16:02, 7 July 2009
  • 581-611 blo sbyong brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs dad pa'i gdung sel, 'jam mgon kong sprul, 8: 613-614 theg pa chen po blo sbyong don bdun ma'i khrid yig blo dman
    40 KB (7,976 words) - 23:36, 28 April 2006
  • ston Blo bzang bzod pa Blo bzang lhun grub paN+Di ta Blo bzang tshul khrims bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan Blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho Blo gros chos
    247 bytes (8,774 words) - 17:13, 1 September 2021
  • Padmasambhava's disciples.[AL] [RY] Mind Training (blo sbyong). See Lojong. [RY] mind training (blo sbyong); detailed; tong-len practice [LW1] [RY] Mind
    27 KB (4,487 words) - 12:53, 12 August 2008
  • (Thub bstan mkhyen brtse blo gros thig le rdzogs pa rtsal), Dpal spyi mdo dgongs pa 'dus pa'i grel pa rnal 'byor nyi ma gsal bar byed pa'i legs bshad gzi
    77 KB (13,752 words) - 11:58, 16 August 2006
  • mkha' 'bum gyi zhus lan, kun dga' rgyal mtshan, 12: 483-488 ston pa blo gros rab gsal gyi dris lan, kun dga' rgyal mtshan, 12: 488-491 snyi mo sgom chen
    56 KB (10,936 words) - 03:54, 14 January 2006
  • founded another dharma center (chos sgar) at Gomme Oseltang (sgom med 'od gsal thang) in the Nyikhok (rnyi khog) region of Kham. Gome Oseltang became his
    419 bytes (2,276 words) - 23:33, 30 May 2021
  • dang/ de'ng gtso bor de dag gi 'od gsal ba'i sems nyid do/ /srad bu sogs dang mtshungs pa'i byed pa gang yin zhe na/ 'od gsal ba'i sems de khu rdul rlung gsum
    76 KB (15,825 words) - 01:18, 3 January 2006
  • years. [ZL] [RY] Good Intelligence (legs pa'i blo gros) bhumi [LW1] [RY] Good Intelligence (legs pa'i blo gros). The ninth of the ten bhumis. [RY] Good
    27 KB (4,379 words) - 12:38, 12 August 2008
  • obscuration [LW1] [RY] Cognizance (gsal ba). The mind's inherent capacity for knowing. [RY] Cognizant quality (gsal cha). The mind's inherent capacity
    27 KB (3,851 words) - 12:23, 12 August 2008
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