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  • the most common list of the Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras [RY] gsang ba'i snying po - Essence of Secrets, Guhyagarbha. The widely renowned tantra of the Early
    11 KB (1,669 words) - 19:20, 4 February 2006
  • Longchen Nyingthig Longsel Nyingpo (klong gsal snying po) Dudul Dorje's Terma Chetsun Nyingthig (lce btsun snying thig) Rinchen Terdzo (rin chen gter mdzod) rig
    362 bytes (508 words) - 03:00, 5 May 2021
  • without difficulty {dka' ba med pa} and for those of highest acumen {dbang po rnon po'i dbang byas pa} [RY] sngags gsum - three kinds of mantras. Gnostic mantras
    16 KB (2,453 words) - 08:58, 2 April 2007
  • brgal lan gsang gsum rdo rje'i snying po mchog tu grub pa'i gtam, sangs rgyas rdo rje, 5: 1-307 thub bstan mkhan rin po che chos rnam rgyal bas brgal brtags
    9 KB (1,733 words) - 22:52, 13 January 2006
  • gsum snying tig gi theg dgu'i sgom rim gyi zin bris rgyud lung man ngag gi snying po rig pa 'dzin pa'i dga' ston Pages: 307-343 Author(s): mkhan po 'dul
    100 KB (17,145 words) - 01:31, 15 March 2006
  • kun tu bzang po'i dgongs nyams,, ,, klong klong chen snying gi thig le las, kun tu bzang po'i dgongs nyams bzhugs, dran pa kun tu bzang po la phyag 'tshal
    7 KB (1,437 words) - 19:55, 29 December 2008
  • 1646-1714 - Gyurme Dorje. See Minling Terchen. (RY) rdzogs pa chen po mkha' 'gro snying thig gi khrid yig zab lam gsal byed Fill in the blanks Mingyur Paldron
    236 bytes (364 words) - 07:00, 7 May 2021
  • Iron-Ape (lcags spre—1260 A.D.) he obtained the doctrine of snying thig from seng ge dbon po at seng ge rgyab. He practiced meditation, and during six days
    318 bytes (657 words) - 03:09, 9 May 2021
  • This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use
    239 bytes (98 words) - 00:08, 19 May 2021
  • This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use
    233 bytes (91 words) - 10:49, 30 May 2021
  • This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use
    261 bytes (93 words) - 05:18, 19 May 2021
  • mo bde ba chen po'i thig le, rin chen dar rgyas, 0: 323-335 chos drug gsol 'debs bde stong dbyer med kyi 'grel chung tshig don snying po rab gsal, rin chen
    2 KB (416 words) - 22:45, 13 January 2006
  • Tibetan title: dam chos snying po skor lnga las bla ma dgongs 'dus snying po'i smin byed bklags chog tu bkod pa byin rlabs yang snying Pages: 449-459 Author(s):
    51 KB (8,732 words) - 04:35, 12 November 2008
  • This is the RYI Dictionary content as presented on the site, which is being changed fundamentally and will become hard to use
    500 bytes (130 words) - 05:20, 19 May 2021
  • kyi rgyal po, 7: 55-134 rdo rje gtum po rtsa ba'i rgyud gsang ba mngon par bstan pa'i bsdus 'grel gsang ba'i snying po, 7: 135-178 rdo rje gtum po'i dkyil
    16 KB (3,178 words) - 21:27, 14 June 2009
  • bstan pa'i snying po, "The Heart-Essence of Mahayana Teachings" by Ngorje Repa, including his commentary called: theg chen bstan pa'i snying po'i legs bshad
    11 KB (1,739 words) - 11:49, 4 February 2008
  • P
    (pad-ma gling) [LW1] [RY] Padma Nyinche Wangpo. [RY] Padma Nyingtig (padma snying thig). [EMP] [RY] Padma Nyugu. [RY] Padma Osel Do-ngak Lingpa (pad ma 'od gsal
    19 KB (3,056 words) - 12:58, 12 August 2008
  • translated as Treasury of Precious Qualities. rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying thig gi gdod ma'i mgon po'i lam gyi rim pa'i khrid yig ye shes bla ma; more commonly
    2 KB (339 words) - 08:04, 23 September 2006
  • chen rab 'byam's rang sgrol 'khor gsum and certain of the texts from the snying thig ya bzhi selected texts from both mi pham rinpoche and dpal sprul rinpoche
    2 KB (341 words) - 07:26, 21 July 2007
  • ldan snying thig bstan bcos beedUrya dkar po dang nyin byed snang ba'i dgongs don gsal bar ston pa rtsis gzhi'i man ngag rigs ldan snying gi thig le zhes
    480 bytes (79 words) - 00:04, 22 June 2021
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