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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《俱舍论》。全名《阿毗达磨俱舍论》。第五世纪中,印度佛学家世亲所著。全书分为分别界品、分别根品、分别世间品、分别业品、分别随眠品、分别道及补特伽罗品、分别智品和分别定品,共八卷。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "五现觉生次。密乘本尊生起次第之一。观想莲座上端,从韵母生起月轮,声母生起日轮,就中生起本尊手帜,标以种子,从此放敛光明融合圆满,而后生起本尊全貌。如是名为五种现觉生次。月轮表从大圆镜智现觉; 日轮表从平等性智现觉; 种子手帜表从妙观察智现觉; 圆满融合表从成所作智现觉; 本尊全貌表从法界体性智现觉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "八现灭诤,现前毗尼。 《毗奈耶经》所说比丘间灭诤七法所有八种现前灭诤:依教依理,使意志协调一致,为立敌现前灭诤;依此自力,诤若不灭,则由中证列举理由使趋息灭,为直道现前灭诤;此仍不灭,则由熟悉争端僧迦使趋息灭,为僧迦现前灭诤; 此仍不灭,则由明达教理比丘四人以上,依于白二羯磨使趋息灭,为明白现前灭诤; 此仍不灭,则由是诸比丘,再依白二羯磨,另嘱贤者使之息灭,为明明现前灭诤, 此仍不灭,则将争端告诉僧迦有上座者使之息灭,为有上座僧伽现前灭诤; 此仍不灭,则以告于正量三藏法师使之息之,为三藏法师现前灭诤; 此仍不灭,则以告于无敢违命有威上座使之息灭,为威力上座现前灭诤。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "五百年十期。佛教流传世间,共五千年,分为十期,期五百年。初证阿罗汉果,次证不还果,三证预流果,是为证果三期;四修胜观,五修寂止,六持净戒,是为修行三期; 七学对法藏,八学经藏,九学律藏,是为法教三期;末五百年,见行失常,唯具出家外表形相,是为唯相一期。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《加行指导•普贤上师言教集》。竹庆寺巴格活佛•吉美却旺所著《法界精义》的加行指导。书中依据自己的修行体验,叙述包括共通外加行、不共内加行、修行根本次第、捷径往生支分等在内的各种所缘次第。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "十旧仪轨。释迦牟尼未涅槃时十种近圆戒仪轨:佛与独觉由证尽智及无生智,证大菩提,从而有二种获得近圆;五贤比丘生起见道,由内证智而得近圆;舍利子等由善前来而得近圆;大迦叶等由承认导师而得近圆;六十善群。比丘由许三归而得近圆;帝王后妃由许修学八难断法而得近圆;善调由于答问心喜而得近圆; 供施女因未获父母之命,由佛遣使比丘尼邬巴往告音讯,依僧传言而得近圆;僧伽会众,中土十人,边地五人,具行白四羯磨而得近圆。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "法界部。宁玛派大圆满阿底瑜伽三部中之出世法界部。此法界部金刚法統,由论师室利僧哈及藏族译师毗卢遮那传出。其见解主张:本智在法性普贤界中,所起一切事物形象,只是罗列其化景,一切束缚、解脱、所现、能现均不成立,是故不待辨别为有、为无、为是、为非,即是本来解脱,广大无垠。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "卓尼寺。在甘南藏族自治州卓尼县内。1295年,有萨迦派喇嘛奉大宝法王八恩巴之命建立的萨迦派一寺庙。1459年,法主仁钦伦波改为格鲁派寺庙。1714年,卓尼•札巴协珠在寺中首创显乘院辩论佛经。1729年又创密乘院修学密教,浸成大寺。寺中旧时有佛说部和注疏部藏经木刻版,印刷流行颇广。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "八难断法。十旧仪轨之一。帝王后妃由自认可永断八难断法而得近圆。八难断法为:亲从比丘受近圆戒;半月半月从比丘听受教言;于比丘处认可夏住; 从僧尼二众解制; 若犯难断即于二众履行迁悦; 不言比丘犯戒; 不轻侮比丘; 顶礼肃敬新进比丘。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "法。梵音译作达磨。义谓“能维持其自体者”。古印度佛学家世亲所著《注疏明论》中说达磨一词,有十种含义。如云:“有为法及无为法”,法指知识;“道谛之法”,法指道路; “灭谛之法”,法指涅槃; “法处之法”,指意根所对之处境; “与诸妃眷少年共同享法”,法指福泽;“凡夫贪爱现法”,法指寿命;“毗奈耶法”,法指佛经;“身乃老法”,法指未来;“四沙门法”,法指确定; “世出世法”,法指规范。今此十义,通约为三:一指规范、二指佛经、三指知识。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "法轮,妙法轮。佛所说法。佛以涅槃因、果及其体性,三者随一为所论主旨之语言。此如轮宝,能摧异类,于诸道法,能舍能入,迅速运转,八圣道支以为八辐。具此同法,故名为轮: ཆོས་འཁོར་བསྐོར་བ། 转法轮,讲经说法。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "法衣加持。受近圆戒后为求免犯持衣堕罪所作加持。向加持师戒腊高者顶礼,否则互相致敬,正面折祖衣等为四叠,一端置于受加持者左肩,一端置于二人左手,并以二人右手压之,诵毕加持咒文,答言方便善哉,仪式即成。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "说法聚二十六。恶作罪第七说法聚,有二十六条。谓比丘对非病人听者说法时,人坐己立、人卧己坐、人在高座好座(己在下座恶座)、人在前行己在后行、人在道中己在道外、未病覆头者、为单抄衣者、为双抄衣者、为拊肩者、为抱顶后者、为着顶髻者、为戴帽者、为戴冠者、为戴鬘者、为以布等缠头者、为骑象者、为乘马者、为乘轿者、为乘车者、为着屐者、为捉杖者、为捉盖者、为捉兵器者、为捉剑者、为捉弓箭者、为披甲者。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "法蕴。释迦牟尼所说对治贪等八万四千烦恼的教法汇集成的巨编。 《阿毗达磨集论》说每一千卷称为一法蕴; 《阿毗达磨俱舍论》说帝释天所乘巨象所能运载的一驮墨写成的经典,称为一法蕴。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《宗教史•奇异大海》。达隆巴•阿旺当却桑波著。亦有人认为是达隆巴•阿旺囊杰著。成书于1648年(戊子)。木刻本447页,另有增补篇53页,全书共500頁,集中叙述了达隆噶居派的历史,藏板于达隆寺。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "八大佛塔,八大宝塔。通称八行佛塔。释迦牟尼示现种种主要行状,各地徒众为此分别兴建佛舍利塔,例行供祀。其著名者有八:善逝塔、菩提塔、法轮塔、神变塔、天降塔、和好塔、尊胜塔和涅槃塔。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "四祭,四大供养。吐蕃王朝的木柰赞普时,首创每年定期在拉萨大昭寺供养律藏,在昌珠寺供养论藏,在桑耶寺供养经藏和大菩提等四种宗教活动,称为四大供养。今藏俗藏历五月十五日在拉萨举行的林卡节即本源于此。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "宝字古体。དཀོན 字旧体应作 དཀོནད。按藏语语法规律,强声后加字引强声语尾,则 དཀོནད 字语尾 མཆོག 的语基 ཆ 应为 ཅ,ཅ 不得有前加字 མ མཆོག 遂成为 ཅོག 故 དཀོན་མཆོག 旧体字作 དཀོནད་ཅོག。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "宝,至宝。最上稀世之珍。未积福者不得见,故是稀有;本非污浊之法,故是无垢;成就自他利益,故是有力;是众生善心之因,故是世间美飾;最胜第一超出世间,性非可变,故是不变。具此六德,称为至宝。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "珠穆朗玛。喜马拉雅山主峰,在我国西藏自治区和尼泊尔交界处。清代《皇舆全覧图》作朱母朗马阿林。别号翠妃雪峰。神话说是长寿五天女所居宫室。海拔8848.13米,为世界第一高峰。 1960年5月25日和1975年5月27日中国登山队曾两次从北坡登上顶峰。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.