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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "世间形成法。佛家关于所依外器世间,能依内情世间形成的说法。外器世间形成次第自下而上:清净虚无天空最下,初有风轮。其上有坚实金云,滂沱大雨,形成轮水。风撼水轮,形成金质地基。地基中央出须弥山,周围形成七重金山,七香水海,四大部洲及小洲等。须弥一层,有四大王众天;须弥之顶有三十三天; 须弥上空,自下而上,为四欲天,其上为四禅天,层数共有百俱胝。内情世间自上而下:初自有顶,下至阿鼻地狱,依次形成。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "君臣二十五人。吐蕃王赤松德赞时,莲花生应请入藏,为王及其臣僚讲授密法。从而得道证果的二十五人:赤松德赞、囊喀宁波、桑杰也协、杰瓦却阳、喀钦萨、拜吉也协、拜吉僧格、白若杂纳、涅•杂纳古麻惹、宇札宁波、多吉堆均、也协阳、索波•拉拜、祥•也协德、拜吉旺丘、丹玛则芒、噶瓦拜则、休布•拜吉僧格、杰瓦洛追、且琼洛、卧真•拜吉旺丘、马•仁钦却、拉隆•拜吉多吉、朗卓•衮却穷乃和拉松•吉瓦绛曲。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "后行仪轨。坛场后得位仪轨:为补救修行仪轨缺余过失及令本尊悦愉而行息、增护摩; 为供赞坛场及护方诸神而献食子; 顶敬坛场而祈请寛恕; 送往智尊、自摄誓尊而洒粉入河;回向善行、歌咏吉祥以行结尾。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "三种更换。为令前行沙弥发心入道,使行意乐、服相、名字三种更换。意乐交换者,使其舍弃但求今生利益,希求成就四沙门性。服相更换者,使其洁身沐浴剃净须发,服用合量法衣及中宿衣,合量坐具、钵盂及水滤等。名字更换者,出家名末或附戒师名,或附吉祥、名称、贤善等字。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "评说。律经术语。比丘犯罪还净之一。已诘犯罪,仍置不理,当予评说。此当如何?当云:“长老,僧众对汝有所评说,今汝不告僧众,不得他去!”此若不服,置之不理,则当中止教诫,中止长净及自恣等,以行治罚,若仍不服,即行驱摈。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "声闻乘。信受别解脱戒七中随一,护持不舍为门; 虽达五蕴所摄诸法人无我性,但于二种无方分细微法我许是实有为见; 九法修止,四谛十六行相修观为修; 安住十二头陀功德为行; 预流、一还不还、罗汉四各分为向果二,所有八位为果。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "镇日吉祥。内库哈达之一种。内库哈达有吉祥八瑞、有寂安乐、镇日吉祥和长寿哈达等四种。第三种镇日吉祥哈达面上,织有如下偈句云:“白昼吉祥夜吉祥,日照中天也吉祥,日日夜夜吉祥满,愿得三宝赐吉祥!”" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "噶居派。旧译迦举派。“噶”译佛语,“居”译传承;传承金剛持佛亲口所授密咒教义的佛教徒,是藏传佛教派系之一。此在西藏分为两大支系,由琼波克珠传出者,名香巴噶居派;由玛尔巴译师传出者,名塔波噶居派。塔玻噶居后又发展出噶玛噶居、采巴噶居、跋绒噶居、帕竹噶居四大派系。其中帕竹一系又分直工、达隆、竹巴、雅桑、绰普、休色、也巴、玛仓等八派。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "玄秘神物。传说在第二十七代吐蕃王拉托托日年赞时,有物从天降,内有《宝箧经》、《六字真言》、《诸佛菩萨名称经》和一座金塔,人无识者,因名之为玄秘神物。后世以此为佛教传入西藏之始。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "十平等性。十种遍于一切诸法的平等体性:无性平等性、无相平等性、四边无生平等性、未生平等性、远离平等性、本净平等性、离戏論平等性、无取无舍平等性、诸法如幻梦、光影、谷响、水月、镜像、变化平等性和有非有平等性。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《旧续目录》。原书全名《旧译密乘经集宝志•赡部全洲庄严》。十八世纪中藏族佛学家仁增•吉美领巴著。全书共分九章:佛祖出世、佛教流行印度及佛学家二胜六庄严列传、佛教流行西藏、赤松德赞年间密乘内经流传情形、宁玛派通人证士列传与传承、佛法总论别论、事业行状、宁玛派密乘经典名目和回向。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "宁玛派。以九乘次第闻名的藏传佛教旧译密乘派系名。最初在公元八世纪中,吐蕃王赤松德赞时,初由印度译传入藏地,经印度佛学家白玛穹乃加以宏扬。俗以此派所著袈裟僧帽均尚红色,故称之为红教。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "宁玛派九乘次第:声闻、独觉和菩萨三乘,是化身释迦牟尼所说三共通乘; 事部、行部和瑜迦部三乘,是报身金刚薩埵所说密咒三外乘; 生次大瑜伽、圆次无比瑜伽和大圆满双运瑜伽三乘,是法身普贤所说无上密咒内三乘,合为九次第乘。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "噶当派。旧译迦当派。了知佛语不遗一字悉为修行要訣之教授,故名“噶当”。阿底峡尊者发其宗绪,敦巴•杰瓦穷乃开其派规,博多瓦、金厄瓦、普穹瓦三昆季宏其流传,朗、夏二师及甲域师等极其繁衍。其流派中最知名者为经典、教授两派,又有别出口決派为三者。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "心咒真言钉。闭气四钉之一。觉知声响为真言本性。此种觉知,在下,能清净轮回习气;在上,能于因位圆满佛寿佛语秘密不思议果;在中,能于道位成熟修习语为风性、为真言相、凭依于风之圆满次第。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "缠,缚结,萦缠。在修止及修平等舍心的时候,反复萦缠内心的烦恼现行。此种烦恼,分为三种:凡属连续不断、无惭无愧、庆幸欢喜、不以为過者为上品缠;不以为过,其余三支不全者为中品缠;其餘三支虽全,但能视以为过者为下品缠。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "三摩地本尊钉。闭气四钉之一。观修一切现象为本尊坛場。此种观修,下能清淨除治轮回四生身形习气,上在因位即能圆满佛位所有随机应化种种身形之果,中于道位由于净治一切脉络转为本尊,故能成熟针对金刚身竅之圆满次第。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "第二次结集。释迦牟尼佛入灭后百一十年顷,以阿育王为施主,于毗舍离城婆利迦精舍,由耶舍等七百阿罗汉众制止当时毗舍离比丘行十非事,破斥非法,澄清戒律,重新集结三藏,称为第二次结集。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "《莲苑歌舞》。十九世纪时,竹庆派巴珠.吉美却旺所著文学作品之一,全名《出世法言•莲花歌舞》。内容先述修道次第,后辨真假佛法。体裁采用诗歌、散文相间形式。修辞华丽,通俗易懂。近人祝维翰(1911—1982)由藏译汉。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Chinese-Definition" (as page type) with input value "猛厉火。臍轮火。或名绝地火。梵音译作旃陀离。密乘圆满次第银本法之一。集中坚守脉、风、明点,以使脐中针影(形如倒竖梵文字母短阿)燃起乐暖。功能猛厉焚烧一切不净蕴界,灭尽一切烦恼寻思,迅速生起俱生妙智。" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.