gso sbyong

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gso sbyong

A group of eight vows taken for one day on certain days of the month to emphasize purity. They include the traditional five "lay precepts," plus the vows not to sit on high cushions or thrones, not to eat at inappropriate times, not to wear adornments, and not to engage in or listen to song and dance.

A ritual observance involving fasting.

A twice monthly ceremony performed by monks, nuns, and novices in which the ordained confess and remedy transgressions of their vows, thereby purifying and restoring the vows.

The fortnightly ceremony during which ordained monks and nuns gather to recite the Prātimokṣa vows and confess faults and breaches. The term is also sometimes used in reference to the taking of eight vows by a layperson for just one day, a full-moon or new-moon day.

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