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A magical formula invoking a particular deity for a particular purpose; dhāraṇīs are longer than most mantras, and their application is more specialized.

A statement, or spell, meant to protect or bring about a particular result; also refers to extraordinary skills regarding retention of the teachings.

An alternative name for vidyā (knowledge) and synonymous with mantra.

An exceptional power of mental retention. According to context, this term can also designate sentences or phrases for recitation that are said to hold the essence of a teaching or meaning (rendered here as dhāraṇī), and are therefore said to hold the power to bring about a range of pragmatic and spiritual effects when uttered, written, or worn.
power of mental retention

Dhāraṇīs are long strings of syllables which sum up some meaning of Dharma. Their use allows the meaning to be retained in memory. Hence the name, which means "that which holds / retains."

See "retention."

See note http://read.84000.co/translation/UT22084-031-002.html#UT22084-031-002-126.

The ability to remember all Dharma teachings that are heard. In other contexts, a dhāraṇi is a powerful recitation that is a precursor of mantras and is usually in the form of intelligible sentences or phrases that preserve or retain the essence of a teaching. There are two sets of "four retentions" in relation to this text. (A) As explained in the sūtra itself in chapter 24 http://read.84000.co/translation/UT22084-055-001.html#UT22084-055-001-2336: the retention, respectively, of teachings on composites, on sounds, on kleśas, and on purifications. (B) As explained in the commentary to the opening of the sūtra (1.2, see http://read.84000.co/translation/UT22084-055-001.html#UT22084-055-001-93 ): the recited dhāraṇī sentences and phrases themselves, the retention of the memory of the words of all teachings given, the retention of the memory of the meaning of these teachings, and the retention of the realization gained through meditation on that meaning.

These incantations, or spells, are mnemonic formulas, possessed by advanced bodhisattvas, that contain a quintessence of their attainments, not simply magical charms—although the latter are included.

This term is used in various ways. For instance, it refers to the mental capacity of not forgetting, enabling one in particular to cultivate positive forces and to ward off negativity. It is also very commonly used as a term for mystical verses similar to mantras, the usage of which will grant a particular power.

Used in several senses, elsewhere in this text translated as "incantation mantra," but here referring to entire canonical texts used mainly for ritual purposes, structured around an incantation mantra in Sanskrit but also detailing its uses and the story of its origin.


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