zhi gnas

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zhi gnas

Mental quiescence is a general term for all types of mind-practice, meditation, contemplation, concentration, etc., that cultivate one-pointedness of mind and lead to a state of peacefulness and freedom from concern with any sort of object. It is paired with "transcendental analysis" or "insight," which combines the analytic faculty with this one-pointedness to reach high realizations such as the absence of self (see "transcendental analysis"). "Mental quiescence" and "transcendental analysis" were coined by E. Obermiller in his invaluable study "Prajṅa Pāramitā Doctrine, as Exposed in the Abhisamayālaṃkāra of Maitreya" (Acta Orientalia, Vol. XI [Heidelberg, 1932], pp. 1-134).

Meditation of peaceful stability.

Meditation technique to calm the mind.

One of the basic forms of Buddhist meditation, which focuses on calming the mind. Often presented as part of a pair of meditation techniques, with the other technique being "insight."

The first of the two main branches of Buddhist meditation, aiming at rendering the mind stable, subtle, and pliable.

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